Hi everyone!
I'm Adrianna (just call me Addie!
), though most of you will know me as Ghazalia.
I'm 21 and I'm just starting up my sophomore year in college (yes, I know, I'm kinda... behind...
). I'm currently in California, and I'm just married!
Right now, I'm kinda
from all the things happening in my life, but hopefully my life will calm down a bunch...
I've known Momofu and Leviathan for several months prior to joining, but I didn't join Baconkakke then because I was already part of a guild (Lolixpress). Unfortunately, Lolixpress became almost completely inactive (I was pretty much the only one on!
), so I left and decided to join Levi and Momofu here in Baconkakke!
And in case you're curious as to how I play/fight in Mabi, I'm something of a pure archer, though I'm dirt poor and am STILL working on getting AR.