The Screenshot Event Second EditionMainly, this event is to take a beautiful screenshot of scenery and send it to me either by MSN or PM. I will in return post them in the reserved post below and ask ppl to vote when all of the picture have been sent.
There will be 3 winning pictures
Yes winning picture as in the same person can win twice. Why? Because its not the person that matters but the Screenshot. I will not post the name of the people who sent me the picture to prevent people from not voting on a picture just because they have vote for a picture that belongs to the same person.
The rules are simple:1. Your character is not allowed to show.
2. No other character must show (pets are allowed, the name must not show.).
3. We cannot see your skill bar or any menu what so ever.
4. Only place were people are allowed to show are Dunbarton and Tir chonail.
5. The picture cannot be modified by any type of software nor can you cut it.
6. You will have one month to send me the pictures scenery.
Prize for this event are 100k per picture and a place on the forum galery.
Once the we are ready to vote I will explain how it works for now just send me the screenchots
You can email me the picture here --->
Runa.chan@hotmail.comAny picture posted below will be deleted________________________________________________________________________
The second part of this event is quite simple:
I will give you a set amount of rules and requirements for a picture. The first one to send me a screenshot that meets the said requirements wins.
The prize is 50k
First screenshotTake a picture of 5 different member of the guild Waffles. The guild name must clearly bee seen the members can either all be in the same screenshot or in different pictures.
Max screenshot is 5 one for each.Blockles win
Second screenshotYou know how sometimes the Dungeon maps tend to make weird symbols? Well the first one to send me a picture of the Swastika symbol wins.Levi wins
Third screenshot
This one will require to be allied to either the giants or elf. Its quite simple get 5 Giant guard Or 5 Elf guard to run after you and take a picture the first one to send me a screenshot wins.BLOCKLES WINS